Whether I have a vagina or a penis.
Whether I have ovaries or testicles.
Whether I have a uterus or not.
Whether I menstruate or not.
Whether I can give birth or not.
Whether I have breasts or not.
Whether I can grow a beard or not.
Whether I have hairy legs or not.
Whether I have broad or narrow shoulders.
Whether I have large hands or small hands.
Whether I have large feet or small feet.
Whether I have a visible Adam’s apple or not.
Whether I have a deep voice or a high voice.
Whether I have long hair or short hair.
Whether I wear make-up or not.
Whether I wear male or female perceived clothing.
Whether I have a female or male perceived name.
Whether I have an F or an M gender marker.
Whether I use male or female perceived pronouns or not.
Whether I have more or less estrogen or testosterone.
Whether I experience dysphoria or not.
Whether I socially transition or not.
Whether I medically transition or not.
Whatever their whethers or nots.
Whatever their ifs or buts.
It doesn’t make me a woman.
It doesn’t make me a man.
I remain non-binary.
They perceive.
They assign.
They deny.
I remain non-binary.
They tack on.
They forget.
They erase.
I remain non-binary.
They think.
They say.
They do.
I remain non-binary.
Nothing makes me.
Nobody makes me.
Beautiful and brilliant and a little heartbreaking.
Amazing. Your language is literal and at the same time poetic. Therefore the poem doesn’t fit a prose/poetry binary. Seriously meta. Bravx!